{{ wigo.name[wigo.lastLocaleCode] }} ({{ wigo.zones.length }}) WigoLove

Create I ❤️ place Wherigo Scenarios easily.

It will be used as the scenario description and as the first message for the user. Welcome the user and tell them what is the aim of this game.

I'll be grateful, if you mention me here or in the geocache listing 😊 kranfagel

When collecting all zones, the player will score {{ totalPoints }} points in current configuration.

Final geocache

{{ wigo.finalLat.letter }} {{ wigo.finalLat.first }}° {{ pad(wigo.finalLat.second, 2) }}.{{ pad(wigo.finalLat.third, 3) }}' {{ wigo.finalLng.letter }} {{ wigo.finalLng.first }}° {{ pad(wigo.finalLng.second, 2) }}.{{ pad(wigo.finalLng.third, 3) }}'

It will be displayed for the user after completing the scenario.

{{ zone.name[wigo.lastLocaleCode] }}

Cartridge can use the valid number answer to calculate final coordinates shown to the user. If checked, the answer WILL NOT be validated upon user input, but it will make way harder to cheat and know the final coordinates without going out.

Download WigoLove JSON to import it here for editing in the future.

Download GWZ for compiling on wherigo.com website.

🇵🇱 🇬🇧 {{ lang }}

{{ par }}

{{ zone.name[lang] }}

{{ par }}

{{ zoneAnswerLetters[index] }} = {{ zone.question[lang] }}

{{ locale[lang].finalTitle }}

{{ finalFormula }}